Experience of use Oculear

Feedback on the use of drops to improve the sight of Jan from Warsaw

My review of the use and history of Oculear eye drops begins after a severe deterioration in vision quality, eye redness that hasn't gone away even over the weekend. The doctor recommended this drug because it has been in production for many years and has been very successful in treating eye diseases.

Is it difficult to buy?

The drug is sold on the official website of the drug developer, I bought myself two bottles at once.

Do I need a prescription to buy the drops?

The doctor initially told me that a prescription was not needed for Oculear, he told me how to use it. I have found from my experience that this is indeed the case. They sell without a prescription, but it is best to consult a doctor beforehand and then start using the drug.


The cost of the drug is acceptable given the average life span in Warsaw, the drug is purchased without much difficulty. You can get several bottles in advance, as the shelf life is quite long.

Dosage and my experience

My experience with Oculear turned out to be positive, the drug was used for 50 days, 2 times a day.

before and after treatment with Oculear drops

One week after applying Oculear, you feel the relaxation, pain and eye fatigue are relieved. I work a lot on the computer, so according to the doctor it is eye strain that causes eye redness and a decrease in visual acuity.

At first there were no changes in terms of vision improvement, only in the middle of the fifth day everything changed dramatically! I turned my attention to the fact that I can easily see the writing on the monitor from afar.

This interested me, I checked and realized that I can now easily see everything written at a distance of 2-3 meters from me. Previously, I have not seen more than one and a half meters, as far as I'm concerned, for several days of treatment - this is an excellent result.

After a month of using Oculear, I realized that my previous vision was almost completely restored. Of course, it wasn't as sharp as it used to be, but the tension in the eye area was gone, I could calmly work on the computer, walk and do housework, while my eyesight didn't disappoint.

I talked to the doctor about the results, he praised me for following all the rules. I am going to correct the result in 1-2 months!

My conclusions

I can recommend this drug. Oculear fully justifies its cost thanks to the quality and real effectiveness after application. The drug helped me completely get rid of the burning sensation and redness of the eyes and improve my vision in 10 days, which I am really grateful for! I intend to repeat the course a little later.